oleh e2 aku dgn rela aty nk share cte ni dari A smpai Z .....hahahaha.......ok tok pgtahuan umum mase tgk cte ni aku xd bekalkn ape pon tok record cte ni......aku xde soft copy maupon hard copy.....all in my mind....ngeh3.....tgk betapa taksubnya aku gn cte ni......bley stat da kot xya la nak mengarut pnjg2 en.....
afte dorg betemu kembali dlm keadaan yg huru hara en......yela baby ade konflik gn bf dye....cume B je yg salu ade at cc dye.....lalu hadirlah perasaan yg d pgl sayang e2......em mybe sbb B je yg salu gn baby wkt apy n sedih..baby da xrase sunyi g.......even b taw cintanya xpasti akn berakhir gn epy ending.....dye still ade tok baby...tok teman baby at mane je........dorg rase dorg cam at dunia khayalan dorang je....dorang xtw la smpai ble sume ni akn berakhir....sumenya xpsti so dorg go on je sbb both of them bagia sgt2 mase ni...if 1 ari dorg xde jdh skrg2nya dorg pnh rase kebahagiaan besame....< so sweet ! >
ok2 dialog romantik yg aku egt mase dorg in love ni....
B: aty ku bebunga2,,hehe.cepat petik..daun nk gugur da nak tmbh yg baru...
baby: gedik! t sy maintenance bunge awk 2 tol2.. sy bg baja aer yg seckpnya spy dye xlayu
B: sy nk awk sirami dy nak air kasih syg xde jual kat kedai. ade kat awk jew !
baby: hehehe xsgke sy ley cipta aer 2 :)
B: sy pon
baby: t sy + fertilizer rindoo sy at bunge awk 2, spy dye berseri2... segar...
B: hehe... nme lain xde ke?xfhm la..
baby: fertilizer xley salu letk.. baja la syg.. baja xley salu ltk t pokok mati....
B: oke.. bhaye nye xpe..
baby: sbb 2 baja rindoo sy terhad hehe
B: bunga sy tumbuh dgn ikhlas,,xde chaya. hehe awk terangkan aty sy dy tumbuh..awk la matahari sy yg menerangkan aty ble kegelapan.... no need fertilizer hehe
baby: eleh yela syg t sy pruning daun awk spy dye tmbh ag subur hehehe
B: sakit la syg hege
baby: kebahagiaan en memerlukan pengorbanan.. awk kne la korban cket daun awk 2...
B: hehe
baby: spy pokok awk 2 lbey subur
B: oke.. sy serahkan pokok nie kat aw spy awk leh jge leklok owg lain xboleh hanye awk seowg...
hehehe.....cumel en......betuahnya lah Baby dpt d cintai gn insan yg seikhlas b 2.....wah jiwang lak ai ayt aku ni.....cyez dye sgt betuah........hopefully will end with apy ending ! bersambug ~
i don't want a perfect person. i just want someone to act silly with,
treats me well & love being with more than everything....
Don’t be too hurry in love, find A companion who can guide you not only in Dunya, but in akhirah. Who can pick you up when you fall, who can remind you when you forget, love you with all his might, someone that will hold your hands through thick and thin & lead you to the Jannah.
sweet ^__^ memang kaw taksub gn movie ^^ haha
ReplyDeletehahaha . kisah benar ni . ade smbgnnya taw . t jgn lupe bace g k :)